This book is written for people who are looking for ways to take care of their bodies naturally, be healthy, and avoid pharmaceuticals and surgeries in their lives. Whether you are young and just developing your lifestyle or want to get ideas or already live a healthy life and just want inspiration to stay the course or to pick up a few pearls of wisdom, this is the book for you.
Doctor Barbro Brost is a licensed chiropractor, diplomate in neurology, certified acupuncturist, and continuous student of the quickly changing and developing science of nutrition and Functional medicine.
She combines her knowledge, experience and passion for helping patients overcome pain and health issues to gradually improve their overall health and wellness and shares valuable common-sense information and ideas how to improve your health naturally, to avoid pharmaceutical dependency and unnecessary surgeries.
An easy read that keeps you turning the pages and helps you evaluate your own everyday habits and health priorities. Dr Brost encourages you to focus on your own health goals and helps you make decisions and small changes, to gradually lead a healthier, happier life! Some of her advice is uniquely influenced by her Swedish background and experience in Scandinavian health traditions.
Your future quality of life and health can depend on the rich wisdom in this book!
Healthy living can be a challenge in today’s world. We are surrounded by junk food, sugar and harmful chemicals that make us sick. Add to that a sedentary life style, stress and too much screen time. A growing number of savvy healthcare consumers are also concerned about side effects of pharmaceutical health care and look for more natural ways to stay healthy and care for their families. It takes a change in thinking and knowledge to make daily decisions how to avoid what is harmful and learn what are healthier choices.
Dr. Barbro Brost has many years of experience as a natural health care provider in her native country Sweden and the United States. She encourages you to evaluate your habits and lifestyle and suggests common sense ideas how to move from a pharmaceutical “sick care” model to true health care, meaning taking care of your body to stay healthy instead of waiting until you get sick!
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If you want to take charge of your health and avoid dependency on the medical, pharmaceutical health care model, you will find some ideas and insights within the pages of this book.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9798765256480
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9798765256497
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9798765256473